Vision Statement
Our vision is to build an education consulting brand that will become the number one choice for both individual and corporate clients in Canada. Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to become leading Canadian Education brand in the education consulting industry in Canada by offering standard and professional complete education consulting services to all to our individual clients, and corporate clients at national, and international level. We will ensure that we work hard to meet and surpass our clients’ expectations whenever they hire our services.

Initial Counselling & Student Profile Analysis
Perhaps the toughest part of applying for higher education is to take a decision - decision on which coutry & university to apply to, decision on which subject to apply for, decision on how to start, decision on who to go for authentic and reliable help etc. We undertand that dilemma better than anyone else and therefore offer our highly effective initial counselling sessions with aspiring students. We make sure these sessions are interactive and try to understand your aspirations, life & career objectives and ambitions, and then guide you through the realities, options and paths how to reach your goals. Our objective is that when a student walks out of our session, he/ she is better equipped to make informed academic and career decisions.

Career Consultation
We offer expert career counselling to students and parents. Our advisors who mostly come from corporate backgrounds will assess interests and abilities of the candidates and guide them through their journery to select the right careers and most efficient career path. The world is changing very rapidly and the careers that were previously considered the best are no longer in demand. We have the right expertise and are updated with the latest market trends that allow us to guide you towards your best choice.

Educational Institute Selection
We understand that decision of studying abroad is one of the few big decisions in life both emotionally and financially so we are here to help you to identify the right alma mater for you in line with your future career aspirations and goals. We offer group advice, seminars as well as one-on-one exclusive sessions to give you the pros and cons of each institution to enable you to make the right choice. As well as choosing a course, students also need to consider many other elements, including the type of environment they would like to live in, location, transport links, availability of accommodation, cost of living, options for financing studies through institutional scholarships and, of course, the type of institution they prefer.

Financial Advisory
Our panel financial advisors are current bankers with a vast experience of extending loans to clients including students. They will use their expertise, expereince and network to give you optimum options to finance your education with best possible installment plans, pricing and earliest disbursements.

Scholarship Information & Application
We have an outstanding track record in procuring scholarships and financial aid for our students from universities and HEC. We are always updated on scholarship options available from local and international sources and help you apply ensuring each scholarship application form is submitted with the utmost precision and all requirements duly fulfilled to ensure maximum success and lower financial burden of a foreign education for all our students.

IELTS Registration & Preparation
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the most widely used English proficiency test, required before you apply for studying, working or immigration abroad. IELTS result is recognized by thousands of educational institutes, organizations and governments all across the globe. Nailing the IELTS can take you a long way towards gaining admission into your dream college, so it's important to do everything you can to prepare. We offer a focussed and effective IELTS preparation module, specially designed to achieve high success rates and conducted by experienced and recognized trainers. Our modules do not just adequately cover the requisite study material but also impart skills to effectively take each exam module to drastically improve chances of your success.

Document Preparation (Statement of Purpose, Recommendation Letter, Resume)
This is the most crucial part of the entire admission process. Evertything else goes to waste if your admission application lacks character. We help you in dveloping the document on basis of which you will be granted admission. We underatand that your college application should paint a clear and honest picture of who you are and make sure it gives a perspective of your personality, passions, interests and drives. Its honesty and character should convey to the admissions committee why you would be a good fit at the college and how why your amazing personality and passions will contribute to and enhance life in the campus community. We make sure your application is not lifeless with no character, honesty or personality, that will cause is to to be left for dead in a pile of other rejected applications. This is not where you want to be and thats exactly where we come in.

Interview Preparation/ Mock Interviews
Our special mock interviws help you get over your nervousness and bolster your confidence. Having the answers to all the questions is not enough. How you deliver the answers matters too. Do your answers sound too rehearsed? Do you say ‘ummm’ a lot while answering interview questions? Are you likely to forget your answers? Our mock interviews highlight these issues so you know which areas you need to improve upon. Our experts ask you all kinds of questions that are typically asked at university admission interviews, identify areas that need improvement and advise on how you can stand out and leave a good impression.

Foundation Courses
We offer a wide range of foundation courses taught by subject experts are designed to ensure you to get a head start when you enter into a university. These focused skill-based courses are a perfect way to give you the confidence to give a tough competiton to your fellow students at any global university you go to.

Visa Application Help
After getting your admission request accepted by the selected university, your next step is to apply for a study visa. We truly understand that unless you get your visa easily, there is no point of getting admission in any of the top universities and therefore, offer 180 degrees visa solutions starting from assisting you in filling your visa application to submitting your application and preparing you for your visa interview. Our representatives abroad continually update us on the prerequisites that need to be completed for visa application success which we incorporate in our preparation process.

Travel & Booking Faciliation
Finally, you have gotten admission into a university and what a great achievement it is! What now? We still do not leave you in a lurch. We have a special department that facilitates students to fulfill all post-admission necessities including travel and lodging. From choosing the best and cheapest flight arrangements to acquiring medical certificates to arranging best value on or off campus accomodation, we make sure that every need of yours is well taken care of. We help and guide you to understand the new country's cultural settings and even connect you with our students who are already studying at the new university. We also help you in taking up part-time jobs on or off campus at the new place and advise you how to efficiently manage your expenses.

Travel & Booking Faciliation
we make sure that every need of yours is well taken care of including the accommodation. We help and guide you to understand the new country's cultural settings and even connect you with our students who are already studying at the new university. We also help you in taking up part-time jobs on or off campus at the new place and advise you how to efficiently manage your expenses.

Fee Payment/ Fund Transfer Assistance
We also offer you advice and recommendations for the cheapest, fastest and most efficient modes for currency conversion/ transfer/ payment of fee when it falls due.